| New for Power BI Mobile: annotations and geo filtering Just before 2016 wraps up, we're happy to introduce the latest update for Power BI mobile apps! Within this update, you'll find new capabilities such as the ability to share an annotated report, and geo filtering for reports on Android devices. You will also find improvements to existing features, such as visuals links, Apple watch integration and offline background refresh adjustment to reduce cellular data consumption. It’s been a great year for Power BI Mobile, and we look forward to bringing you even more excellent new and improved features in 2017. | | | | See the 5 most popular questions from the Power BI Ask Microsoft Anything event A couple of weeks ago, the Power BI Team held its first Ask Microsoft Anything event, and it was a fantastic success! We received several pages of questions on the AMA community forum, and for over an hour a mixed group of Power BI Program Managers, Marketing Managers, and Developers answered them all. If you missed this event, we collected the five most popular questions and answers in a blog post. From UX changes to new data sources to SASS updates, learn more directly from the team! | | | | Prep, Blend, and Analyze Your Data with Speed and Ease Power BI transforms your company’s data into rich visuals so that you can monitor your business and get answers quickly. But how do you transform your data into a clean and actionable dataset for Power BI? With the Alteryx Starter Kit for Microsoft! This kit contains key workflow applications, visualizations, and tutorial information that will enable you to prep, blend, and analyze your data quickly. Start off the new year by improving your data preparation with drag-and-drop blending, spatial, and predictive tools. Also take advantage of the Azure Machine Learning tool to perform sentiment analysis. | | | | | |