| Community Summit hosts Microsoft in Barcelona Dynamic Communities is gearing up to head to Barcelona, Spain for their annual Community Summit Europe conference on March 10-12, and Microsoft will be close behind. Register today to join your Power Platform peers in hearing from top Microsoft employees during the Microsoft Power Series. | | | | Take your Power BI skills to the next level with learning paths Learn new skills and discover the power of Microsoft products with step-by-step guidance. Start your journey today by exploring our Power BI learning paths and modules. | | | | PPWT kicks off 2020 in Houston and Atlanta! The Power Platform World Tour kicks off 2020 In Houston Texas February 4-5 and Atlanta Georgia February 11-12. The PPWT is the best way for you to get hands on experience with Power BI, Power Apps and Power Automate. Whether you are an expert in one of the Power Platform products or you are a new and want to learn more, the Power Platform World Tour is for you. | | | | | |