Power BI news, events, and updates

  Announcing the New Filter Experience for Power BI Reports

This month we are incredibly excited to announce that the new filter experience is now generally available. We have updated the look and feel and added a ton of new functionality. The new capabilities include a new filter view to see what filters are applied to a visual, the ability to format or theme the filter experience, hide or lock filter cards, sort the filter cards, rename filter cards, and control the visibility and state of the filter pane in bookmarks.
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  Power BI Premium – Know what your premium capacity can handle

Introducing a tool for accurate load testing of premium capacities. Power BI Premium capacities give enterprises access to their own dedicated resources in the cloud. With this access enterprises can distribute Power BI content as widely as they choose; it also lets them unlock greater scale, better performance and advanced capabilities that are not available to Power BI users on shared capacities. All of these are possible because you can choose how a Premium capacity's resources get utilized.
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  Aggregations for petabyte-scale BI is generally available!

Announcing general availability (GA) of one of the most significant scalability features in Microsoft BI, Aggregations. Aggregations empower organizations to enable every user to perform their own analysis atop full fidelity, petabyte scale datasets. At the same time, those organizations now have better control over their BI architecture, striking a better balance between cost, performance, and data fidelity. In addition, we are announcing that aggregations can be used for enterprise-grade semantic models in large organizations with fine-grain security requirements by leveraging Power BI's row level security feature (RLS).
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  Sending refresh notifications to others

Announcing support for sending refresh failure notifications to others in addition to the dataset owner. This feature enables dataset owners to monitor data refreshes more reliably and more effortlessly than before. These notifications can help to ensure refresh issues get noticed and addressed in a timely manner.
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